Here is an excerpt of one of my journals documenting some strange series of events that has happened within my life.
A little background...
So I have always had very vivid dreams. Frequently I have astral projections, sometimes i have night terrors which always seem to be a premonition or symbolic of bad things to come. Also have experienced old Hag syndrome quite a few times, and 2 times in my life I have seen apparitions (yes ghosts). Ive had dreams in which people who have passed visit me and sent along little messages. For the record I don't take sedatives, do any drugs, I am not a loony brained girl either lol. I am actually very private and shy about this because I know people are quick to pass judgment or accuse me of not being honest. But I have always kept a record on things of this nature that I have experienced. Please read this with an open mind and know I am being 100% honest.
So on March 28th 2012 I had one nightmare after another where I was waking up every hour scared and trembling.In the last nightmare, It was one of those where, while dreaming, I wake up in my bed thinking it is reality but I am actually still dreaming. I heard a noise coming from downstairs and sounded as if someone broke into my house and was coming up the stairs. when the burglar finally showed her face she had an ax in her hands, ready to swing right at me and she was just about to split my head open when I jolted awake. I don't know if my eyes were fuzzy or what but I definitely saw a sort of lighted shape of something that looked EXACTLY like an evil ghost of a man upside down hanging from my ceiling staring at the bed and it slowly disappeared. During this apparitions appearance I was paralyzed, once he disappeared i was able to move again and immediately woke up my bf to tell him and he held me. I could not fall back asleep, I was very disturbed.
This started one very disturbing week.
The day after that dream, the police found a deceased man next to my house. He was riding a bike, and fell out- maybe a heart attack or something of that sort. I was at work when this happened but my b.f woke up to the sound of sirens and he then called me and told me what happened. It deeply disturbed me. We didn't know who he was, and ever since that day I get such a creepy feeling when I walk to and from my car to my house. I will probably move because of this sad feeling I get crossing over where they found his body.
Since then me and my b.f have saved 2 dogs from killing each other. We happened to be driving past and see 2 pit bulls locked jaws with a frantic crowd surrounding them (i thought the lockjaw was a myth) they were bleeding profusely and had their jaws tight around their neck and face. I screamed at my bf to stop the car and my bf shouts to grab the dogs hind legs and they finally released. we look at each other crazy like we had the same disturbed feeling.
Yesterday we went to the park to enjoy the sunshine with my daughter.
On the highway home we are cruising along a 4 lane highway in the middle lane when I see this little (2 or 3) girl on the right side of me running down the driveway towards the highway. I scream out the window STOP RIGHT THERE and she paused right at the curb as my bf slams on the brakes and runs after her. A car speeds right past her. literally could have skimmed her nose that's how close. There were no adults around! Then her mom appears out of the garage and runs to grab her and points to the road saying you could have got killed. Bf gets back in the car looks at me, we both have chills running down our backs.
For some reason, my brain connects all these strange events in a sequence.
Does anyone out there have any feedback or think this is just strange coincidence? Anyone experience strange things of this nature?
This hanged man figure seems to be a forewarning of bad things to come, and we then just happened to be in the right place at the right time preventing the deaths of a child and of 2 dogs.
_________________________________________________________________________________ When I was around 12 years old I was laying in bed reading a book with a small light on, I looked at the doorway and saw my mom walk past into the next room and turn on the light. I called for her and got up and went into the room and there was no one there!!. When I searched the house I found her- She was all the way in the kitchen sitting down reading a magazine and smoking a cigarette. I remember telling her what happened and she told me I was just dreaming and to go back to bed. I was wide awake, 100% positive wide awake! and who else switched that light on?? That was one of my first abnormal experiences. LOL It always drives me crazy to think about that day.
Since then I have not seen any apparitions WHILE AWAKE until this last experience march 2012. But I have, since then, felt presences, positive and negative ones.
Ill now share some out of body experiences.
One instance, the second I laid my head down on the pillow to go to sleep... what feels like my soul escaped thru my nose and I was watching myself sleep. I then noticed the blanket I appeared to be wearing was a green fuzzy blanket. I do not own one of those. The second I realized that, the blanket switched to the one I DID fall asleep with and my soul came crashing down back into my body.
Another instance... I felt my soul get stuck trying to get out of my body and I look and see my cat laying on my legs. I woke up immediately and yes, there he was, laying on my legs!
Actually one out of body experience I was traveling thru my town I was lost, I finally found my house and float into my room and I see a little girl standing against the wall. I fall back into my body and I then woke up bewildered.
Another time I fell asleep for what felt like 5 seconds and I heard high wailing sounds and felt someone beating on my back. I had trouble waking from that one.